Special Educational Needs and Disability


At Canterbury, children and their families are at the heart of an encouraging and challenging environment, where everyone recognises and celebrates differences, actively communicates the importance of learning and believes everyone can achieve.


"The support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is a strength of the school. These children are included in all aspects of school life. The school is an inclusion centre of excellence and its expertise shines through."

Ofsted Report March 2020

"High quality interactions take place in all areas by all staff.  They are attuned to the needs of all children.  Adults readily follow children's interests and show genuine pleasure in sharing in their learning experiences"

Deborah Sharp, SEND Support and Advice, 25th March 2019


"The comprehensive school development plan is robust and rightly focuses on measuring the impact of the actions upon children.  All of the work is research based and innovative, creating best practice in every area."

Richard Lait, Bradford Council, 21st March 2019


If you have any queries please contact our SENDCo Emma Woodward on the contact us page.


Introducing our SEND Team

Emma Woodward

Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo

Claire Collinson

SENDCo Assistant

Kahla Mayhew

Specialist Teacher

Shamaela Niazi

Family Support


At Canterbury Nursery School we are committed to providing an appropriate and high quality provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for all the children.

At Canterbury we believe that every child matters and inclusion is an important part of care and education. We will ensure that every individual will achieve, contribute, feel valued and enjoy learning. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and disabilities have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them, and to be fully included in all aspects of Nursery School life.

We believe that educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all learners, including parents, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background. We pay particular attention to the provision for and the achievement of different groups of learners: We will respond to learners in ways which take account of their varied life experiences and needs.

At Canterbury Nursery School we are fully committed to inclusion. We believe that all children have skills, talents and abilities and we have a responsibility to develop these to the full. We recognise and celebrate the positive achievements of all children.

We aim to identify and remove any barriers to inclusion within the school environment, teaching and learning strategies, attitudes, organisation and management.

We welcome all children sensitively and positively.

We believe and actively promote parental participation and working in partnership with the school in order to support their child’s needs.


Canterbury Nursery School is a designated Early Years Enhanced Specialist Provision and is specially resourced for children with complex SEND needs. The Early Years Inclusion Panel (EYIP) allocates these places.


We work hard to ensure all pupils become the ‘best they can be’, personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, (regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs).

If a child’s progress is significantly slower than others in any area, or has recently slowed or stopped, they may have special educational needs or disabilities which require additional support, sometimes for a short period, sometimes for the longer term.

If a child has an ‘Education, Health and Care Plan’, then we provide the support detailed in the plan.

At Canterbury we will:-

  • Identify children with additional needs as soon as possible.
  • Plan and provide a carefully differentiated curriculum to meet individual needs.
  • Give all children access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Assess children’s progress regularly.
  • Include children with SEND in the full life of the school.
  • Provide equal opportunities for all children.
  • Support and train staff
  • Keep parents informed of their child’s progress and inform them as soon as concern is raised. 

Click here to read our SEND Information Report

Click here to read the Local Authority SEND Local Offer

Click here to see an example of a Developmental Journal

Click here to see an example of a How To Help Me Learn

Click here to read our SEND and Inclusion Policy

Click here to read our Manual Handling Policy

Click here to read our Supporting Children with Medical Conditions

Click here to read our Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy



  • Individual Learning Programmes and Additional Teaching
  • Links with Health Visitors and Other Professionals– to support family and school with child’s health and medical issues
  • Enrichment tailored to children’s needs e.g. All Aboard, Forest Schools, Dance, Music, Baking.
  • Support and signposting for parents



To ensure effective communication and partnership, staff work hard to:


  • Encourage parents to make an active contribution to their child’s education
  • Value the information parents and children have, and their feelings and wishes at all stages by: 
    • Holding regular shared learning meetings with parents to discuss concerns, what to do and to set targets
    • Supporting parents to help their child at home through various workshops and family events
    • Providing support from the SENDCo, Co-Heads of School, Deputy Head of School and the Family Team.


Click here to read our full Parental Involvement Policy


Autism and Potty Training- Click on this link for advice from Gina Davies. 

Click here for support with sleeping

And finally, Click here for support with hair washing and cutting.

Gina Davies is a qualified Speech and Language Therapist who turned her passion for communication development into practical and joyful intervention strategies for parents and professionals dealing with autism. Her website is a great source of information for parents. We hope you find these handy guides useful.

SEND Support

Activity Ideas and Links:

Supporting children with Autism - www.councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk

Makaton - www.makaton.org

Bradford Schools Online - www.bso.bradford.gov.uk

Kerry MurphyEarly Childhood and Neurodiversity Specialist