Governing Body
Governing bodies are the strategic leaders of schools. They are rightly responsible and accountable in law and in practice for major decisions about the school and its future.
The board is the school’s key strategic decision maker. As set out in the Governance Handbook, all boards have three core functions:
1. Ensuring clarity of the vision, ethos and strategic direction.
2. Holding the executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school(s) and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school(s) and making sure that its money is well spent
The board, with advice from its Clerk, is also responsible for ensuring legal and regulatory compliance across a range of areas, including:
- education and equalities laws;
- safeguarding;
- responsibilities as operators of an educational institution, such as health and safety, information management and employment law;
- conditions and obligations imposed by funding or regulatory bodies
Governors’ decisions in these areas have a real effect on the way in which the school is run and on the way in which our children are educated. These decisions are made at half-termly meetings. During meetings the governors will deal with routine matters – school finance, policies, staff appointments, pupil safety, class organisation etc.
The Headteachers' Report is presented once per half term to the Governing Body. Each report gives a résumé of current events in school, curricular and staff development and LA issues which affect the school – plus anything else which informs the governors of what is happening and helps them reach decisions.
Name | Governor Type |
Jan Winter (Chair) | Co-opted (Responsible for Health And Safety) |
Ruth Beddoes | Headteacher |
Tracy Wilkinson (Vice Chair) | Co-opted (Responsible for Safeguarding) |
Duncan Jacques (Exceed Academies CEO) | Co-opted |
Wren Kerenza | Co-opted (Responsible for Finance Committee Chair) |
Jacqueline Robson | Staff (Responsible for Mental Health and Wellbeing) |
Emma Woodward | Associate Staff |
Helen Rush | (Responsible for SEND) |
Sadaf Raqeeb | Parent |
Debbie Kesler | Parent |
Vacancy | LA Rep |
Victoria Bettson (Clerk) | n/a |
Register of Attendance, Interest and Other Key Information
Click here for a Register of Interest of current governors 2024/2025
The Code of Conduct was agreed by Governors on 12.10.23
Please Click here for a link to the Governments Financial Benchmarking page for Canterbury.
Additional Information
All business is handled through a full governing body meeting, however sub-committees are formed when and where necessary e.g. disciplinary or complaints.
Appointments are made by:
- LA Representatives - by Local Authority
- Parent Governors - by school
- Staff Governors - by school
- Co-opted Governors - by school