Mental Health and Wellbeing
The Oxford dictionary describe well-being is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy. At Canterbury Nursery School we know that the children need positive relationships and we foster a sense of belonging with staff that are sensitive and responsive to the children’s needs, feelings and interests. We support the children’s developing independence and set clear boundaries which will help the children to feel safe. If we can increase wellbeing in the Early Years, it will help children carry resilience and happiness going forward and most importantly give them the tools to be the best they can be and reach their full potential. Children need to have their basic needs met, for example, a home, healthy diet, rest and exercise as well as to feel safe and loved, to feel respected and to know that their opinions matter. Education and Health are very closely linked – there is lots of evidence to show that a strong focus on well-being for children gives increased academic achievement.
Please feel free to speak to any member of staff if you would like any further information or support.
Accessing Support
Click on the links below to access Mental Health and Emotional support for children